Emily is 1.35 metres tall.
Henry is 15 cms taller. How tall is Henry?
Add all of these numbers together and times the answer by 13. What is your total?
If two of these tables were joined together how many sides would there be? If two children fit on each side how many fit on it altogther?
If each bench holds 4 people and 3 can stand in the middle how many people can squeeze in?
This plant bed measures 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres.What is the area?
If there are 40 sunflower seeds per box and only three quarters germinate and one fifth of them are eaten how many sunflowers do we get?
We have 25 bulbs per box. If they double each year, how many will there be in 6 years? How many boxes will we need ?
There are 4 children, together their ages add up to 29.
A is 2 x D and C is A -2 also D+ 2. B is A+ D -1.
How old is each child?
Emily picks up 23 blossoms. She shares them equally with Julia and Natalie. How many are left over?
What percentage of the picture is yellow?
What type of angle is the smaller one on the fence? Roughly how many degrees do you estimate it is?
Two teams need to get to a tournament. Each team has 12 members and 3 reserves. If each car holds 4 passengers how many cars are needed? Are there any spare seats? If so how many?
Every time you hit 50 you get 50 points. If Rosie hits it 5 times , what is her score. What would you score if you hit each one twice?
Each bench is 1.5 metres long. The gap between them is half a metre. How long is the row?
Maths Trail
Hamstreet School
Author: Hamstreet School (ID: 8082)
Posted: 2010-05-11 14:24 GMT+00:00
Mileage: 0.76 km
(2 ratings)
Tags: maths ks2
Views: 12677
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Our Year 5 Maths Champions have made a maths trail that they would like you to try out. Have a go and then add your answers in the comments box so they can see how you did.

gps maths trail 002
Emily is 1.35 metres tall.
gps maths trail 003
Henry is 15 cms taller. How tall is Henry?
gps maths trail 007
Add all of these numbers together and times the answer by 13. What is your total?
gps maths trail 006
If two of these tables were joined together how many sides would there be? If two children fit on each side how many fit on it altogther?
gps maths trail 009
If each bench holds 4 people and 3 can stand in the middle how many people can squeeze in?
gps maths trail 010
This plant bed measures 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres.What is the area?
gps maths trail 012
If there are 40 sunflower seeds per box and only three quarters germinate and one fifth of them are eaten how many sunflowers do we get?
gps maths trail 011
We have 25 bulbs per box. If they double each year, how many will there be in 6 years? How many boxes will we need ?
gps maths trail 014
There are 4 children, together their ages add up to 29.
A is 2 x D and C is A -2 also D+ 2. B is A+ D -1.
How old is each child?
gps maths trail 015
Emily picks up 23 blossoms. She shares them equally with Julia and Natalie. How many are left over?
gps maths trail 017
What percentage of the picture is yellow?
gps maths trail 021
What type of angle is the smaller one on the fence? Roughly how many degrees do you estimate it is?
gps maths trail 018
Two teams need to get to a tournament. Each team has 12 members and 3 reserves. If each car holds 4 passengers how many cars are needed? Are there any spare seats? If so how many?
gps maths trail 005
Every time you hit 50 you get 50 points. If Rosie hits it 5 times , what is her score. What would you score if you hit each one twice?
gps maths trail Q14
Each bench is 1.5 metres long. The gap between them is half a metre. How long is the row?
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